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Why Oracle DB?

Oracle is the most suitable DB for storing data in high- security mode, arranging BigData , implementing any idea in many applications . ...


Object, type, class

One pic is better then a hundred words. Conquest Software Solutions company sales products for Oracle DB and PL/SQL developers. But topics in their Facebook account say about rules or structure of other program languages. On other side all products have the intuitive interface: tree of DB objects, Code Explorer, highlighted reserved words in code editors, object wizards with auto-generating DDL.
Unfortunately, ClearSQL does not have the Icon Dictionary like in SQLDetective or Legend of Icons like in ClearDB Docu, and some of icons are the same in all products.
Referencing to the re-posted article "Programmer dictionary: Class vs Type vs Object" here is the list of useful icons and DB, object structure in all Conquest products.
Icon Dictionary in SQLDetective has the list of all used icons: object type, collection (as part of object types), in-out parameters of stored objects, types of table columns and so on:

"Icons Legend" is a part of "Docu at a Glance" page of ClearDB Docu. Note: all icons are different in SQLDetective and ClearDB.

Tree in ObjectSelector of Object Navigator in SQLDetective lists the stored object structure: subprograms, parameters. For example, the package specification structure:

ClearDB Docu lists objects in the docu tree grouped by object types:

Tree in ObjectSelector of Object Navigator in SQLDetective groups TYPES (user-defined, non-standard) in the OBJECTS and COLLECTIONS folders with their attributes (variables) and methods (subprograms, functions):

ClearDB doesn't divide COLLECTIONS from TYPES, and there is no object structure (attributes, methods, subprograms) in docu tree or page content with object properties, only global parameters may be listed:

CLASSES in Oracle DB are in Java objects. For example, SQLDetective / Object Navigator:

JAVA CLASSES in ClearDB / Docu:

SCHEDULE JOB CLASSES in SQLDetective / Object Navigator:


As you see the Oracle objects have GROUPS as analog of CLASSES: REFRESH GROUPS for Materialized Views, POLICY GROUPS, RESOURCE CONSUMER GROUPS for Users, SCHEDULE GROUPS for schema or DB levels.
PL/SQL reserved words are highlighted in code editors of ClearSQL and SQLDetective, IN-OUT parameters have the same icons in Code Explorer of both applications. Unfortunately, if a variable in stored object has a type of table column then Code Explorer doesn't show the corresponding type icon, it's "unnamed" always even DB connection is alive.

Stored object may declare a type or use the user-defined one. Oracle DB has the list of standard types (numeric, char, date, etc.) for parameters or variables and special objects – TYPES – that are used in PL/SQL as user-defined types. So, Oracle distinguishes the types as standalone DB objects.


Why Oracle DB?

Oracle is the most suitable DB for storing data in high-security mode, arranging BigData, implementing any idea in many applications.